Every business I patronize, I critique. No one business is perfect, and poorly run businesses fall victim to capitalist evolution. For some the fall is faster than others, and for some the end can drag on using billions of dollars of taxpayer and pension fund invested money.
I think that within capitalism, the necessary application is for this process to occur, and for intelligent business owners to learn and adapt.
Certainly there are big business lessons to learn. But there are small business lessons as well.
I am a man who enjoys food. And with that food, I enjoy variety. Early this week a friend from work brought Papusas to work. It was the first time I had tasted them. Papusas are a tasty corn tortilla based treat from El Salvador. On the way home, I noticed a small shop advertising pupusas. So I stopped in to pick some up for dinner- and at 5:40pm, they are closed.
This leads me to believe one of two things.
- They are a front organization to sell weed.
- In this time of decreased economic spending- these guys are morons.
THE TAKEAWAY: I consult for two different businesses, and basically run another. My companies need to make buying easy, and enjoyable. There is a lot of competition out there for everything, and I now have to look elsewhere for pupusas.